The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)

A Faithful Wife's Anxiety, She Pleads for the Life of Her Husband but is Told that He has but One Month to Live. A Sturdy Wolverine Farmer, Weighing 168 Pounds, Reduced to a Mere Skeleton in Four Short Months. After Being Turned from the Physician's Door to Die, He Lives to Become His Former Self. He Tells the Story. From the Democrat, Caro, Mich.

"Fourteen years ugo," said H. M. -who has for the past five years held the oih'ce of School Director in District 7, Indiunfiekls township, and is well known throughout the county, my In-other and 1 moved into this county. Twas a wilderness then, we located in the pines here with nothing hut our hands carve out our homes. It was an unequal simple; but hard work and economy won the day and two years ago, with my forty acivs nearly clear of debt, I bepin feel' that the worst was over.

In April of that spring 1 assisting in driving logs down the Cass Kivcr, when I was taken with a slight Inn constant pain in the left side below the heart. As days passed the trouble increased niy appetite fell away and I visited one of the best known and most successful doctors in Ciim, the county seat. 1 was informed thai I hud an inward abscess and must cease work. "It was hard to quit work when I knew too that it only meant another mortgage on my little farm, but within a few was obliged to return to my home. The medicine furnished by the doctor gave me slight relief but I could detect no permanent benefit.

My appetite wan gone; I could not sleep, and each day found 'me growing weaker. I next visited hr. A. L. Seeley, of Mayvilk-, who, from the first, that he hud but slight hopes of benefiting me and recommended that 1 go jo a With no money this 1 could nor do, even though it would save my life, and with medicine that the doctor furnished I returned to my home fueling that the of hope that 1 ever would be my former si if was fast disappearing.

passed and was rapidly losing tlesh. D'urin- the months which I can never forget wns reduced in flesh from weighing 16'8 pounds 10 110. "Slowly the longdtiys and the awful tilth's passed until another seven days had added to the awful days of ton'mv: anil still no relief, and my weight was now 1 pounds, nerves shattered and my system in a deplorable condition. At this "juncture wiie said that something must "lie done, anil with assistance I was taken to Mayvillr. where Dr.

Seeley was again consulted. AIT-T making a thorough examination my wife earnestly pleaded that he do something rap. He said that he could do nothing; lief might be found at a but- otherwise he would ive me just one 'more month to live. Sorrowfully she turned from the physician's door, and'what I considered my last journey home was soon to be undertaken, had read in the ('am Dem or rut of Br. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and the benefits many had received from them, and with faith less than the irruin of mustiml I asked her to step into the drug store and secure a box.

This she did, and after a jolting ride over a poor road we finally reached home, tired, worn and in sorrow. I took the first pills that night, and left my wife sitting sorrowfully comparing the flickering hopes of my life with the faint rays of light from my bedroom door, while thought only of what the doctor had said. The forepart of the ni.uht; I wa.s restless as- usual, but, do you believe, during the latter part of that very night I caught' a nap, the first sweet and resting sleep 1 had enjoyed for months. continued the medicine the next day, and the following night I slept, yes sir; slept, a greater portion of the "Oh, yon can't imagine how brighrly "the sun shone on our home before that, week was over, and how the faint, rays of hope were fanned into a flume. Rut "my father and many of my neighbors shook their heads said: Simply something quiei.intr about those pills; 'twill be back "atrain, look out for the after But here are the after effects," said Mr.

Underwood standing erect, the picture of health and weighing pounds. "From the second day after the pills the change set in. I my appetite came "back, and before had finished the third box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People I was able to do my chores, and before the fourth was finished was doing my farm work. My cure was complete and permanent, aiul I have not seen a sick day since and yon bet Dr.

Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are as nuggets of at our house," to the statements I have made'' Why, certainly and with pleasure," said Mr. Underwood, when the reporter suggested that some people who were not acquainted with him might be skeptical, and he accompanied reporter to a justice'. 1 ollice, where the following acknowledgment was taken STATK OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OK TIJ.SCOLA. ss Personally appeared before me, H. M.

Underwood. who, under oath, declared that the statements made in the above interview were true and correct in every respect. Signed D. PKTKKSHANS, Notary in and for Tuseola County, Michigan. Orson Livermore, who was present at the interview Mr.

1'nderwood, said: "Yfi- neighbur T'mierwood's cure is considered miracle by the people of this locality, am; the siory is told over and over again." Mr. Underwood, "if you liavi any doubts about the matter. call 01 Samp. Wells, J. If.

Vv'ea ver. (iuy Wilson, A n- drew Thompson, my father T. K. Underwood or any of the of reliable farmers ir. I his section they kuow all about it." During the conversaiion which followed after the interview, the reporter learned ilmi Dr.

I of Mavville, recommends Dr Wiili-nns' Pink Pills for Pale People in jiracti'-e, and that Mrs. Thomas Anderson, living but a few miles away, had received inar- vdoiis help from ihr-m; also that John Smith. Pvinir near Akron, this county, an old geiir.i.-maii ei'jii! y-niue years of who had been a sufferer from bilious rheumatism for years, had been entirely cured by their use. i'-ii- as ni.uhi was approaching the reporter could not pursue his investigations further. A Muscatine Woman.

On the second lloor of one of our neatest business buildings, located at No. 12.5 Wesi t-'trecT. is the home of Constable and Mir. M. C.

and it was visited to-day for the purftose of speaking to Mrs. liritrgV on a question of considerable weight to her. The reporter upon ealliiiy found Mrs. a little indisposed (not however with her fiinn- er complaint), but nevertheless in a very congenial mood. Upon inquiry as to tin--- benefit she derived from use 'of Dr.

Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, she said "About eighteen months since 1 was taken down wiih sciaiic rheumatism in my limbs, especially my right leg, and "so fierce wa.s the attack that 1 could not walk at hi After trying various remedies, all without avail, a lady neighbor of mine, Mrs. John Yoder, who, I think, is now living in Kklon mentioned Dr. Williams'Pink Pills for'Pale People and said she had used them for similar tremble and had found rhem very beneficial. 1 purchased a box of pills at F. Nesper drug store, and before 1 had taken all of the first box I began to feel much improved and the pain began to ease.

1 continued to take them, buying a second box. and when I had nearh- finished the second' box I was able to walk about as ablv us ever and have not had an attack since. I heartily endorse Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People feel confident that anyone atliicred as I was could be easily restored to their usual health by their use." From Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are now given to the public as an unfailincr blood builder and nerve restorer, curing all forms of weakness arising from a watery condition of the blood or shattered nerves." The pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent post paid on receipt of price, 50 cents a box or six boxes for (they are never sold in bulk or by the TOO), by addressing Dr.

Wil- liams'Medicine Company, Schencctady, X. Y. WHAT PUZZLED HIM. Wondered That a Kicli Man Ate Corn J. J.

Ttnmer, general manager of tho Valid la lino. AVIIS making a trip over the road in his special car days ago. "When the train stopped at Terre Haute, ho left his car for a moment and stood on the platform talking to Con- drictor Hayes. As he started to return to liis a. faced lad cf about 14 approached Hayes and asked for transportation to Lognnsport.

"I have no money," said the hoy, "and am anxious to get. to Logan sport, vrhcre I have relatives care for "I am S'jrry I cannot carry you, my boy," said Hayes; hut. struck by the lad's deep disappointment, he suggested that- ho repeat Ins re to Mr. Turner, had been an rested listener. Not in the least abashed, the, boy stnf'd Irs eus" to the r-r-nrral mannger, and tliat official not omy kindly to the request, but mado the youth inexpressibly happy by bringing him to Logan sport in his own private car.

Mr. Turner invitx-d his yonng giicst to take dinner with Irm dur the trip. No second invitrition needed, and soon the general manager-md an almost outcast boy were seated at tlw same tn.ule in special car eating supper in all good fellowship as the; train sped along at 50 miles an hour. The young nian did justice-, to all the dishes except to a plate of corn bread. How any one eould such homely fare when the table was with" delicacies was beyond his comprehension.

Amazement was plainly depicted upon his countenance as he observed Mr. Turner eat thc-i corn bivad evident relish, and he gavfe to his feelings by saying: "You're a brick, Mr? Tumor, but if I was general manager of the Vanrlalia I'll be nanged if I'd eat com Chicago Record. A Fortune a The South Perm Oil company has struck a gusher one mile from Smithville, W. which is making an average of 7,000 barrels a day. The well if.

the largest ever struck in West Virginia." ami is good for over $10,000 a Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. Chops Cooked by An ingenious eontrivance from England makes it possible cook a chop in ten minutes by means of an ordinary newspaper. It consists of a into which tightly twisted bits of newspaper are placed; a single newspaper is more than sufficient. Above this Is a kettle and a pan with a stand. The contrivance will boil water, cook anything, and the whole affair mav be fojded flat.

Not to Be Overlooked. "You're still the clearest yirl on earth To me," her lover said. "There seems no element of -worth Not to your nature And yet when I reflect, as one Reviews a favorite book. One attribute I think upon I cannot overlook." A troubled look camr; o'er her A look of doubting And nestling in her wonted place She asked: "What iy it, dear? What fault do I encourage so Conspicuous as that?" He grimly smiled and whispered low, "Tis your theater hat." Courier. Eczema of the scalp or Ho ild Head even in its most severe form is never fallizitfly cared by Doan a Ointment, the surest specific for all itoh- tness of the skin.

Mr. James Perdue, an old soldier residing at Monroe, was severely afflicted with rheumatism but received prompt relief from pain by using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He "At times my back would aohe so badly that could hardly raise up. If I had not gotten relief I would not be here to write these few lines. Chamberlain's Pain Balm has done me a great deal of good and I feel very thankful for it," For sale by Bran- drifif and Hedges, Druggists.

the Babv is Cutting Teeth. Be sure and use that old well-tried remedy MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYKDPfor cWlflren toothlne. It soothes the chi'cj, nofteufl the gome allays all patu. cures Triad colio and is the beel redmedyfor Twenty-five bottle, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.

ALL PARIS IS EXCITED A YOUNG WOMAN WARNS HUMANITY OF COMING DISASTERS. She Claims to Bt Intermediary of the Angel GabrieJ- One OJoubts She la Circles Excited Over the Matter. An enormous sensation is "boing caused in Paris by the seances yiven by young woman of 25, named Kenriotte Condon, in the Rue de Parados. She claims to be a direct intermediary of the Archangel Gabriel, who lias specially selected to warn humanity of coining disasters to Europe. The girl asserts that a vision of the archangel appeared to her in August last as she was sitting quietly on a sofa at home, aud since then she has been under the influence of the archangel.

It was only recently, however, that she gained full knowledge of the power that was "being exercised over her. This strange case has become public, and now fashionable Paris jostles on the staircase and in the an.teroorn in order to obtain the ten minutes' conversation which the girl accords to each person who is furnished with a letter of introduction. There is no question that her motives are above suspicion, her parents being eminently respectable. No money or gifts of any sort are asked for or accepted. The utmost that can be said in her disfavor is that she is probably a neurotic.

While Zola, mindful of Lourdes, hesitates to compare with Br-rnadette Sou- birnns, Dr. Guinon 01 L'Ecole de la Salpet riere declares she is either mad or in a state of somnambulism, probably the latter. Meantime the visionary exercises a powerful influence on all consulting r. s'people do in hundreds from 10 o'clock in the morning till 10 o'clock at night. Women are.

particularly impressed, and extraordinary scenes of emotion take place as the visitors leave the house. People above suspicion affirm that the young woman knows their life secrets, which they have scarcely breathed to a living soul, but her prophecies respecting future troubles in Europe are somewhat vague. The woman repeats in much the same words to each person a sort of siugscng version of the coming holocaust that is to fall on France and England. It is impossible to look into her large, piercing blue eyes arid not feel that she is speaking with the utmost sincerity. Whatever her condition may be, there is a great deal of diversity of opinion in Paris respecting it.

The journals publish column reports about her, and a controversy rages in re- ligious'circles. The archbishop of Paris is unable to decide what to do. Some persons assert she is possessed of a demon, others that she is an earthly saint. Those around her believe implicitly in her declarations. It is impossible to predict the outcome of the Cor.

New York Journal. HE PHOTOGRAPHS COLORS. The Process Perfected hy a Citizen of Chicago. Jcones W. McDonough of Chicago has perfected a process by which natural colors are photographed.

The evidences are actual photographs of landscapes, men, women and paintings, taken with an ordinary camera," developed and printed by every day processes, but differing from ordinary photographs in that the colors as well as the lines, lights and shades are present. The principal additions to the present outfits are a specially ruled screen, which is placed directly before the sensitive plate in the camera, and a specially ruled paper on which the colored photograph is printed. The dry or wet plates must be made is, free from the usual photographic fault of exaggerating the depths of green, yellow and red and the brightness of blue and York World. BABY'S COniNQ. Nature intended that every woman should look forward to the coining of her baby with joy and hope, unclouded by anxiety.

Almost painless parturition is quite the usua.1 thing among uncivilized people. Kven in our own country it occasionally happens with women in robust health and good condition. It ought to be the rule instead of the exception and it is a fact that a ver proportion usua a an suf- faring may he avoided by looking after the mother's general health, and specially strengthening the particular concerned in parturition. Many mothers have been brought through the trying time almost painlessly by the aid of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.

It prepares the system for delivery by imparting the organic strength and elasticity which the mother specially needs; shortens the time of labor of confinement promotes the secretion of abundant nourish- meiit for the child and fortifies the entire constitution against the after period of depression and weakness. It's use should begin in thir early months of earlier the Mrs. FK.ICO Glenviile. Schenfctadv A' pnys I read about Dr. Pierce's Favorite FO goo', for a woman child, so I go; two bottles last September, ar.d Decejnber i.ilii.

I iuid a twelve-pound baby girl. When I confined I not sick, in anv 1 did not any pain, and when the" child was born i walked iuto cinether room and went to bed. I had an after-pain or any oilier pain. the eighth child rmd the larsrc-st of them all. I suffered everything that nes-h could suffer the other babies always lisd a doctor and tnen he could not help me very much, but this time my mother and rny husband were alone me.

My baby was? only seven days old I got up and dre'ssed and "left my room and slaved up all day. 11 Easy Writins on Trains. The rolling stock of German state railroads has Leen provided with an appliance which will enable on board a mdii to write without difficulty and of the motion of rhe trjiin. The new appliance consists of a board suspended from the ceiling- of the. car by strong but elastic cords, which will prevent the vibration of the moving train from interfering with the writer.

At the present time only the first class compartments of through trains are i ur- nished with this appliance, and a smull charge is by the conductor for its Louis Globs-Democrat. Ingersoll'a Gift to Peoria. Colonel Robert E. Ingersoll intends to present the city of Peoria, with a wholesome drinking fountain, and i he same, will be erected during the coming summer. It will be very handsome in design and placed in position upon the courthouse square.

Colonel Ingerpoll commenced his professional career in Peoria aiid left the city about 20 years here to Go in Summer and How to Get There, The Ocean Resorts Atlantic City, Cape May, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Long Branch, and famous resorts along ibe Jersey Coast are located on the Pennsylvania Lines. As a direct route to Newport, Narragansett Pier, Martha's Vineyard, Nari tucket and the popular places the Atlantic i'rom Chesapeake Bay to Maine," these lines oiler epucia In the Mountains Cresson, Bedford Springs, Ebensburg, Altonna and othor resorts in the Alleghenics are locnt.jd on the. Pennsylvania Lines, which also lead to JIG Vv kite the Adirondacks, Walk ik- Mr. Island, and places of Sumrnnr sojourn ia Eastern 1'ork, Vermont, 1-iew Hampshire aud Maine. The Lake Region The low tourist rate over tho Lines brings Mackinac, Petoskey, Cbarlevoix.

Cbmens. St. Clair, Muskegrm, Trh verse City, Mivok iriaiv City.Satilt Ste. Maiie, Gogebic, St. Igna.

Waters meet, Au Sable, Iron Mountain and all romantic resorts of Northern Michigan reach. The return limit will be ample for an extended sojourn. Tourist tickets will also be over these lines to Ashland. Cedar Lake, Devil's Lake, Pelican Lake, Three Lakes, unJ other resorts in the Northwest. For information concerning rates, time of trains ih through service, please apply to nearest Fennsvlvh.ii Line or F.

VAN DUSEJf, Chief Assmat Genera Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa, 0, B. YAGER, Agent Plqnm Ohio Ritas Gould Kays a Kare Palm. Holeu M. Gonlrl lias recently juiflc-fl to niiigiiificoiit, collection of rare palms a of that jjlaut called the Ravena'la maclagarvion. This pahn is a lirt.lo over 82 feet in height turn nearly three times as many years old.

Tho price paid for it, rumor says, was $35,000. Disappointing His Last week the suft'eriny public jr-ralded with joy our retirement from the journalistic field, "bat alas! their exuberance was short lived. Vermillion Freeman. Vaat KIchea of tlio According to a London weekly paper, rhe total of the fortune of the Rothschild family in England and on the continent is £400,000,000 ($2,000,000, 000). A Cold In the Head? Rose Catarrh Core will yon.

Ask your drnggist for it, take no other. PIQU A'S FOURTH Made still more glorious by the presence at the Trotting upon the birth lay of American Ireedom, the of one typical representative American Exhibition. BUFFALO BILL will take part both afternoon and evening. Excursions to Piqua on the Fourth over all the Railroads, Come and Welcome. uffalo Bill's Wild West, U.FF'ALO Atid Congress of Rough Riders of the World.

An exact duplicate, man for man and horse for horse, of the exhibitions given at the Columbian World's Fair at Chicago in 1883 all summer in New York in 1894, and in 160 of the principal cities of the East in 1895. A HOME INSTITUTION! WORLD-INDORSED ANCIENT and MODERN ARENIC HISTORY EXCELLED. MAGNITUDE! MERIT! MAGNIFICENCE! ORIGINALITY! INTEREST and ENTERTAINMENT. More Men! More Horses! More Cars! THAN ANY TWO EXHIBITIONS. New in Seating and General Arrangements.

I OC i. i i JmhS Ogjillalla, Brule, Uncapappa, Sioux, Cheyenne and Arupahoe Tribes. PQtt' lt? 50 American Cowioys, SOHBiicanTaperosaM te 25 Beflonin irate, 30 Sonffi American Ganclios, 50 Western Frontiersmen, laris- men, EIc. 2-0 Russian Cossacls of Detachment of United States Cavalry. Royal Irisn-Eng-lish Lancers.

French Chasseurs, German Cuirassiers, Petit Corps D'Arraee of Mounted Military, ALL UNDER COMMAND OF: Col. W. F. BUFFALO BILL. The Peerless Lady Wing Shot.

1ST 3ST "IT A. KI The Skilled Shooting- Expert. Only Herd of Buffalo on Exhibition A Covered Grand Stand Seating 20,000 Persons. Assuring Perfect Protection from s- I'X or KAIX and so and arranged as to Cftmp cloi-e to the- city in an easily ntxvsh bie location. On the iirst day of arrival there be given A FREE STREET CAVALCADE At iO A.

by DetBiied Detachments from each Division (Wild Horses Buttalo, Cattle, etc boing in cflmp), "So that he who Runs Bead." he march will be enlivened by pJi? 1 1 THREE MAGNIFICENT BANDS OF MUSIC, LEO BY THE FAMED, WORLD-TRAVELED BUFFALO BIIX'S COWBOY BAND. At night, a Brilliant Electric Display by the Largest Portable Double Electric Plant Power yet constructed for any similar purpose. Two Circuits, ensuring a Perfectly Reliable illumination, making NJGHT AM LIGHT A3 HAY. Two Exhibitions or Shine. Afternoon at.

a o'clock. Siffht, o'cloclc. Doors open one hour earlier. MGIIT AS LlfiHT AS DAY, AX!) AS COMPLETE IN DETAa. General Admission, 50c SChildren under 9 years 25c Numbered Coupon, actuaily reserved seats, will be sold on the day of exhibition at, Greenameyer Co's Drug cor ner Main and Water Streets..

The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.